Selendroid - a tool for automated testing of Android-based products - developed on the base of the instrumental Android framework. The tests, created via Selendroid, are based on the client API Selenium WebDriver.
Selendroid supports full integration with all current Selenium frameworks. Thus, Android application testing will be fast and qualitative.
What are Selendroid components?
- WebDriver Client. This is a Java client library, based on Selenium. This library should be installed on the computer which will be used for creating test cases.
- Selendroid Server. This is the main element of this framework architecture.
- Driver App on Android. This is a built-in driver.
- Autonomous Selendroid. This component is utilized for installing the Selendroid Server and application which will be tested.
Performing automated testing with Selendroid, the specialists execute three preliminary conditions:
- installing Selendroid environment,
- an application which will be under test,
- launching Selendroid framework.
This testing tool may be installed on diverse operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac. Before using Selendroid, one should confirm the license agreement and download the Java setup file. Then one should run Java_Home and Android_home if installation is conducted on Windows.
For Selendroid, the default port - 4444. But it may be easily changed by adding the parameters for the framework run command. URL for checking the targeted Android app will be modified too. Generally, testing via Selendroid is not so complex.
The Selendroid tool significantly simplifies functional testing, integration checking, and compatibility testing.